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Terrain-RGB-Mapbox tile generation

The application converts ArcInfo ASCII Grid files into PNG (Terrain-RGB) raster tile structure that can be used in web mapping applications (Slippy Map). Tiles contain elevation information encoded into RGB values according to the rules adopted in the Mapbox project: Mapbox Global elevation data

Tile cutting and naming correspond to the Tile Map Service notation, i.e. folder name and raster name are taken from the coordinates of its lower left corner in the Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection.

ArcInfo ASCII Grid files must have square cells and center of bottom-left cell as the origin. These ArcInfo ASCII Grid files can be created automatically from LIDAR data using TerraScan.

ASCII file header example:

ncols 546
nrows 790
xllcenter 325484.750
yllcenter 6818819.750
cellsize 0.5000
nodata_value -9999

As a result, in the output folder data structure is created corresponding to the selected resolution levels (zoom) and the area covered by the ArcInfo ASCII Grid source files: \zoom\x\y.png

Raster parameters

TMS parameters

Coordinate system

Parameters in the dialog to define custom coordinate system involve the 7-parameter Helmert transformation Coordinate frame rotation and Datum shift from WGS84. (When using the Datum shift to WGS84 and/or Position Vector Rotation conversion options, the signs must be changed accordingly.) User-defined custom coordinate systems are saved in the xml-file located in the same folder as the application.

While the application is running, the progress bar at the bottom of the application window shows the progress, total number and number of tiles currently generated.

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